EE 350 Radioscience Seminar
Professor Howard Zebker
Autumn 2003-2004
Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Time: 4:15 PM – Refreshments at 4:00
Location: Bldg.
TC SEQ, Room 101
Searching for Geomagnetically
Conjugate Optical Signatures of Intense Lightning Discharges
and Sprites
Robert A. Marshall Dept of EE, Stanford University
Results of a full electrodynamic model developed by Lehtinen et
al [1999] suggested the possibility of optical emissions in
regions geomagnetically conjugate to intense lightning
discharges. These intense discharges create a transient electric
field between the cloud and the ionosphere, which drives an
avalanche ionization process and creates a beam of upward going
relativistic electrons. Such beams are believed to be the
sources for gamma-ray flashes observed on the Compton Gamma Ray
Observatory (CGRO) during some of its passages over intense
thunderstorms. The upward going relativistic electron beam
traverses the earth's magnetic field and impinges onto the
ionosphere in the geomagetically conjugate hemisphere and is
estimated to produce detectable optical emissions. Up to now,
two different campaigns have been conducted in an attempt to
uncover experimental evidence for such conjugate effects. An
initial campaign was conducted in Japan in January 2003, looking
for effects of lightning in Australia. In July and August 2003,
a second experiment was conducted in South Africa in an attempt
to detect such optical emissions produced by lightning activity
in central Europe. Very Low Frequency (VLF) electromagnetic data
was recorded at new sites in France and Crete to identify
ionospheric disturbances associated with such events and to
document the waveforms of causative lightning discharges at high
resolution. High time-resolution optical data was recorded in
South Africa using a portable array of photometers.
Additionally, images of sprites, an optical event directly above
large lightning discharges, were taken in Europe. Optical
measurements of sprites, VLF radio atmospherics from lightning
discharges, ionospheric disturbances, and optical measurements
in the conjugate region are now under analysis.